8 Tips for Being Professional on Facebook

Facebook has grown rapidly and now boasts some 900 million users globally. It has become a perfect platform for B2C (business to consumer) marketing, providing targeted advertising opportunities based on user’s likes and affiliations. Facebook is now moving towards a more professional and more career oriented service. They have recently introduced changes to personal profiles, giving more space for work and education information. 

The way people use Facebook has changed drastically in the last few years. As you get friend requests from colleagues, and customers, it’s no longer strictly that social network. This means there is a case for branding oneself on Facebook just like we have always been doing on LinkedIn.

So how do you maintain a professional appearance on your Facebook Fan Page?

1. Use proper spelling and grammar. 
    There is nothing less professional than a post that looks like this:

    Make sure you spell out words like 'You' and 'business', instead of using
    the more popular internet forms of 'U' and 'Biz'. 

2. Use a professional picture or logo, cover picture or background.
    Having a professionally designed cover picture or banner will lend you an
    air or professionalism.  People will take you more seriously the more
    polished your page looks. 

3. Set your vanity URL.
    This also makes you seem more professional, even though it is a small
    step. You must have at least 30 fans to set your own URL. 

4. Fill in your business details.
    Having a complete business profile, complete with location (if applicable)
   contact and information on what it is your page offers. Customers want to
   know they can get a hold of you if they have a problem, questions or praise. 

5. Add your website URL or Blog RSS.
    This goes with the last tip. Make sure you have as much of your business
   information in the profile as you can - especially your site or blog.

6. Post relevant content. 
    Everyone loves a LOLCAT or one of those sarcastic e-card pics, but despite
    their popularity, they are the mark of a business owner who is not taking
    things seriously. Sure, the picture may get a lot of "Likes" and "Shares",
    but in the end, you may lose the few serious (AKA Paying) customers you
    had. Stick to relevant content to keep them coming back for more!

7. Stay away from political or religious posts. 
    Not everyone agrees with me on this one, but unless you are a political or
    religious page, you should refrain from sharing these types of posts. You
    risk offending a paying customer, merely because your views may differ. 

8. Listen when your fans give you feedback. 
    Your fans have made your success what it is, so when they tell you they
    are not happy with something, you should listen. You would think this is a
    basic, no-brainer, but it is not. Regardless of what kind of page you run,
    there are a few things you should never say when someone complains:
* "This is my page, if you don't like it then unlike my page"
* "I don't care what you think"
* Anything that involves obscenities


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