5 Tips for Getting Your Facebook Posts Seen

Did you just write a really powerful blog post? Or do you have an product to promote? You want to share that on your Facebook fan page, because it will increase your viewership. But not everything you post will get seen by all of your fans. We know, we know. How could that be? Facebook does their best to make sure its users aren't overwhelmed by messages they don't want. In this article we'll show you how this works and what you can do about it with News Feed Optimization (NFO).

What is the Facebook Newsfeed Algorithm?   
We're not going to get into all of the details, but what you need to know is:
  • Facebook didn’t want to crowd your newsfeed, so they created an algorithm that hides content it thinks you might skip anyway.
  • That means that just because you post something to your fans it doesn’t mean they’ll all see it.
  • Unfortunatley, average fan pages rank low in the algorithm so that 50-70% of fans never see the content in their newsfeed.
  • You need to focus on driving the actions that impact NFO like impressions, likes, and comments.
Impressions Are Your Best Friend
Lots of people look at Facebook Insights and get confused about why their total impressions are higher than their total number of fans. Total impressions are a count of everything, but what you should really care about is unique impressions -- how many different people you reach, not how many times you reach one person.  And how many impressions you get are what measures how often you show up in fans newsfeeds.

Getting Seen: Six Tips for Optimizing Your Newsfeed and Status Updates
Here are six tips to help you get noticed in the Facebook newsfeed.
1. Be human! People come to Facebook to interact, not to have your product shoved down their throats.

2. Keep your status updates short & sweet, otherwise people won't even read them.

3. Think about time of day: what time are most of your fans online and checking Facebook?

4. Likes and comments boost a posts ranking in the newsfeed. Use the 80/20 principle: Post 80% about things related to common interest of your fan base, 20% directly related to your brand/company. This will keep people active!

5. Remember that there is a higher likelihood of people seeing your posts if they are text only, less likely if they include a link, and even less likely if they contain a photo or video. 


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